Eldo Coaches Bus Ticket Prices, Booking, Routes And Contact Numbers

Eldo Coaches Bus Tickets
Eldo Coaches Bus Tickets

The tagline of the Eldo Coaches is “Big enough to serve, small enough to care.” A renowned transportation company in South Africa is Eldo Coaches. It is an opulent business that provides its customers with trustworthy services.

Read the article below to learn more about this transport company, its main routes, its booking procedure, and its services, among other things.

Eldo Coaches: All You Need To Know

Eldo Coaches routes
Eldo Coaches

Eldo Coaches is a road transport business operating in South Africa, which means it transports passengers between different points of the country. Since it began operating in 1956, it has consistently offered its customers excellent services.

Eldo Coaches is a well-regarded business with many years of experience in the transportation sector. The company, which started out as a family business, has expanded and diversified over the years and now has a fleet of more than 70 premium cars.

This transportation firm also strives to offer top-notch transportation services with a crew that is highly motivated and educated to be the finest in the passenger transport sector. providing accessible, cost-effective, and dependable transportation.

Buses from this company come in a variety of designs, including Comfort Liner – Business, Single Decker, and Double Decker, all of which are safe for both passenger and cargo transportation. With numerous amenities like air conditioning, a heater, overhead reading lights, LCD screens, sound systems, and others, the bus also provides comfort for its passengers.

Major Routes Plied by Eldo Coaches

Eldo Coaches over the years has grown to ply many routes within South Africa. Below is a list of some of the major routes being plied by the transport company: 

  • Pretoria
  • Cape Town
  • Midrand
  • Zak Park
  • Lenasia South
  • Lenasia Signet
  • Eldorado Park
  • Southgate
  • Johannesburg Park Station
  • Kroonstad
  • Bloemfontein
  • Colesburg
  • Noupoort
  • Middelburg
  • Graaff-Reinet
  • Jansenville
  • Uitenhage
  • Port Elizabeth amongst others.
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Eldo Coaches Offices, Stations and Agents

Below are the addresses of each of the Eldo Coaches’ offices, bus stations and agents in South Africa:

Eldo Coaches Offices

1. Durban Station
Address: Durban Station Lower Level; NMR Ave; Durban; 4001
Contact: 086 113 5367

2. Park Station Johannesburg
Address: Main Park Station Building; Cnr. Rissik & Leyds Street; Braamfontein; Johannesburg
Contact: 086 113 5367

3. Pretoria Station
Address: Luxury Coach Terminal, Cnr. Scheiding & Bosman Str., Pretoria Station
Contact: 086 113 5367

4. Bloemfontein
Address: 60 Park Rd; Willows; Bloemfontein; 9301
Contact: 086 113 5367

5. East London Station STR
Address: 50 Station Street; East London CBD; East London
Contact: 086 113 5367

6. Cape Town Station
Address: Old Marine Drive; Cape Town
Contact: 086 113 5367

7. East London Windmill
Address:128 Moore Str; Beachfront; Quigney; East London
Contact: 086 113 5367

8. Pietermaritzburg
Address: Cnr. Burger & Commercial Street; Pietermaritzburg; 3200
Contact: 086 113 5367

9. Signet Terrace Lenasia
Address: Signet Terrace Shopping Centre; Cnr. Gemsbok & Robin Street; Lenasia Ext1; Lenasia; 182
Contact: 086 113 5367

10. Port Elizabeth
Address: 264 Cape Rd, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth
Contact: 086 113 5367

Eldo Coaches Bus Stations

1. Cape Town Bus Station
Address: Old Marine Drive; Cape Town

2. East London Station
Address: 50 Station Street; East London CBD

3. Johannesburg Bus Station
Address: Park City Transit Centre, Johannesburg Station

Eldo Coaches Agents

1. L.N. Isima T/a
Address: Shop 10 Broad Walk Arcade/Centre. Cnrs. Of Smith, West & Broad Streets Durban, 4001
Contact: 031 304 2908

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2. 1st Zulu Safaris
Address: Tropicana Hotel, 85 O.R Tambo Avenue, Durban
Contact: 031 332 8277

3. Sparksport Pharmacy
Address: Shop 3, Ayesha Centre, 50 Joyhurst Street, Chatsworth
Contact: 031 401 0010

4. E-Ticket Net
Address: 446 Smith Street, Cnr. Broad/Smith and West Street Durban
Contact: 031 332 8277

Eldo Coaches Bus Bookings: Purchasing Tickets

You must reserve your tickets in order to use any of the Eldo Coach transportation services. Depending on the method you use, purchasing tickets is quite simple. Below is a list of the four methods you can order tickets from Eldo Coaches.

Online Booking

With the development of technology, many travellers now prefer to purchase their tickets online. The business has built an online presence to enable customers to purchase tickets in consideration of this. Book your Eldo Coaches tickets online by :

24-Hour Call Centre

You can also call the Eldo Coach customer care service to book your tickets.  This is their 24-hour call centre number 011 852 6120 / 012 113 5475 to book.


You can visit any of the Eldo Coaches’ offices or terminals to book your tickets. It’s quite easy as their staff will attend to you on time.


The Eldo Coaches transport company has agents, which you can call to help book your tickets. The contact details of the agents have already been provided above.

Other Eldo Coaches Services

Vehicle Charter Services: Eldo Coaches also has a fleet of vehicles it offers up for hire by groups or individuals. Many tour guides and operators even make use of these vehicles to complete their tailor-made tours for passengers visiting South Africa. The buses being hired are usually at affordable prices.

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From the numerous positive online reviews, you can tell that Eldo Coaches really offers standard and quality Services. Asides from comfortability, the company is also interested in the safety of its clients and ensures that Vehicles are in a safe condition and is driven by well-trained personnel.

For more enquiries, booking of tickets or complaints, you can contact the Eldo Coaches customer care via the following means: 

  • Head office: 316 Farm, Lenasia Road R554, Eikenhof
  • Phone number: 012 323 5475 | 011 852 6120
  • E-mail: info@eldocoaches.co.za

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